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Our Services

Information System and Policy Analysis

  1. Managing Eswatini plant pest information.
  2. Managing the NaPHIS system
  3. Publishing Eswatini import/export regulations
  4. Conducting trainings on pest issue
  5. Conducting public awareness on phytosanitary issues
  6. Collecting and disseminating information to all stakeholders and international trading partners

Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) and Permits

  1. Preventing the introduction of plant pests into Eswatini.
  2. Analysing and establish the level of risk associated with all proposed import.
  3. Issuing or declining application for plant import permit

Pest Surveillance, Quarantine and Diagnostics (SQ&D)

  1. Studying plant pest dynamics in Eswatini
  2. Keeping record of what pest occur and where in the country
  3. Monitoring pest out breaks and their combat;
  4. Providing pest identification services to farmers and inspectors;
  5. Providing quarantine services for plants.

Regional Coordination and Inspectorate

  1. Inspection of plants and plant products for freedom from
  2. Inspections of plants or plant-products imports at points of entry.
  3. Inspection of plant or plant- products consignments for exports
  4. Registration and inspection of nurseries
  5. Enforcement of ISPM 15 Wood Packaging material